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Discover the spirit of the Oderbruch

A range of experiences that connect with the unique character of the landscape

You may have heard of the wayward people in the Oderbruch. Of lonely farmsteads, the vastness and the many dropouts who are fed up with the big cities. All of this is true. The Oderbruch and its inhabitants are quite headstrong. But in a very positive sense. In the workshop, we will search together for the spirit of the Oderbruch within you and pack it up for you to take away. The participants will write, walk and craft between the vastness and the Oder and let themselves be enchanted by the landscape. 

What's spezial?

  • Experiencing the freedom of the landscape
  • Subtle guidance on how to live your own life
  • The experience can be transferred to your own life
  • The workshop connects the area with the individual characteristics of the participants
  • A lasting product is created
Sarén Jürgens - Founder of Sagus Sarén Jürgens wants to use treasure hunts to discover the treasures of the environment, but also the treasures within. This has resulted in the women's treasure hunt “Dein Goldmoment”, which she often conducts with groups of women. As she herself has returned to her home country because of the free spirit, she is well placed to convey it.