© Spree Alpakas

Hiking and dreaming with alpacas

the Spree-Alpakas

Everyone follows the pace of the alpacas

What's special? 

  • Individual planning and supervision of the hikes in small groups
  • curious and gentle alpacas teach us calmness
  • Relaxed nature experience with high recreational value
  • Accessibility from Berlin via Erkner by public transport (bus stop nearby)
  • Guests can help with the care of the animals (e.g. clipping claws, feeding, pasture care) and thus experience everyday life on the alpaca farm up close
Zwei Menschen mit zwei Alpakas auf einer Wiese
© Spree Alpakas
Betsy Gleditzsch und Gregory Hinz

Two Berliners who have fulfilled their dream of country life in Brandenburg

The couple are interested in self-sufficiency, keep a few chickens and grow fruit and vegetables. Betsy has turned her passion for animals into a profession and looks after the animals, which include two ponies and a cat in addition to the alpacas and chickens, with a lot of passion and expertise, and charmingly looks after the visitors. With a lot of hard work and thanks to Gregory's craftsmanship, they have turned an old farmhouse from 1870 into a small dream house for themselves and a vacation home for guests. Old and traditional building materials such as clay, lime and wood ensure the house's special, healthy living climate. Together, they are constantly looking for new ways to combine life and work in the countryside and make the region even more attractive for locals and guests.