Glass bead course

At the Oderlandperle in Letschin 

Make your own glass beads

During a three-hour course, you will receive an introduction to the craft of glass bead making. You will learn about the various production techniques and have the opportunity to try them out yourself at the two-gas burner under supervision. With a little skill, you will hold your own personal glass bead in your hands at the end of the workshop.

What's special? 

  • Create unique pieces
  • Gain new knowledge
  • be creative
  • cozy atmosphere
© Seenland Oder-Spree / Jennifer Ehm
Susanne Brill - founder Oderlandperle

Susanne Brill was born in 1977 in Oderbruch and discovered bead making in 2014. The material glass, with its many design possibilities and wide variety of techniques, never let her go. She attended numerous courses with various glass bead artists. In 2018, she opened her own studio with an integrated store.



Have a read: our lake district blog!

© Susanne Brill

Glasperlenkurs in Letschin: Zum eigenen Designer im schönen Oderbruch werden

Blogbeitrag: Im schönen Oderbruch kann man unter Anleitung von Susanne Brill seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen…

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