© Vladimir Srajber

Forest bathing 

Mindful forest walks with Saskia for your health

Slow down in the midst of nature, learn more about interesting health topics and activate your self-healing powers.

Saskia Hoffmann combines all of this during forest bathing in Woltersdorf. 

What's special? 

  • You slow down and sink into a deeply relaxed vacation mood
  • You get to know like-minded people and locals
  • You activate your self-healing powers
  • You will feel our connection to nature again
  • You will receive health tips for everyday use at home
Saskia Hoffmann -  Forest health trainer

Saskia Hoffmann deals professionally with the questions: How do people stay healthy? Why do they fall ill? How does healing work? 

In 2019, Saskia herself fell ill with an "incurable" chronic illness and has now recovered. She would like to pass on her health knowledge and her own experiences to anyone who is interested.