© Seenland Oder-Spree / Florian Läufer

Forest bathing

Time for self-care, relaxation & regeneration in nature

“Find peace and recharge your batteries with Shinrin Yoku forest bathing.”

Experience how Shinrin Yoku forest bathing is good for you. Helps you to relax in a completely natural way, recharge your life energy and activate your self-healing powers through mindfulness in the forest. I accompany you to experience the forest in a new way, to find peace and relaxation and to fully exploit the health potential of the forest with the help of the forest bathing method.

What's special?

  • Stress reduction & mindfulness
  • Health & Self Care
  • Accompanied & professionally guided
  • Experience the forest with lasting health effects
  • Individual forest bath
  • individually, in pairs or in a group
Portraitfoto von Eileen Froelich im Herbst
© Eileen Froelich
Eileen Froelich - Certified Shinrin Yoku Forest Bathing instructor

As a person-oriented painting therapist and course leader for Shinrin Yoku forest bathing, Eileen Froelich accompanies people in their health and their personal process. It supports you in consciously perceiving your own experiences, finding inner peace and experiencing yourself mindfully, free from thinking and judgment, in order to build a natural connection with yourself and experience caring and loving treatment of yourself.

She herself has experienced what it's like when the battery can no longer be charged. She feels empowered not only by her own story and personal experiences, but also by the collectively growing awareness of well-being and naturalness.


Have a read: our lake district blog!

Blauer Liepnitzsee
© Stephen Ruebsam

Auszeit Waldbaden: Zeit der Selbstfürsorge, Entspannung und Regeneration in der Natur

Eileen Froelich bietet "Shinrin Yoku – Waldbaden" an, um das körperliche und seelische Wohlbefinden zu fördern und…

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