Creative printing

At the Altandsberg castle estate

Get to know the “monotype” together with the artist Ulrich Handke

In his creative workshops on the subject of "monotype", Ulrich Handke gives an introduction to this versatile printing technique, which only produces unique pieces. Monotype means "one single image" - there is only one original, only one print per printing plate. The motif is applied directly to a smooth surface with wet ink and a print is made while the ink is still wet.

What's special? 

  • Gain an insight into an exciting and versatile printing technique
  • Design your own unique pieces and take them home with you
  • Creative freedom in a historic setting
Der Künstler Ulrich Handke steht im Keller des Gutshauses vom Schloss Altlandsberg und erklärt den Teilnehmenden des Workshops "Kreativ-Druck", wie die Drucktechnik Monotypie funktioniert.
© Schlossgut Altlandsberg
Ulrich Handke - qualified textile designer and freelance artist

Ulrich Handke is not only Altlandsberg's night watchman, but also a qualified textile designer and freelance artist. We are delighted that he is passing on his knowledge to visitors to the Altlandsberg castle estate - because then anyone interested can become artistically active themselves under his guidance.